Air Travel
Please plan to arrive on Monday, November 7th and depart any time on Thursday, November 10th, 2022.

How can I book my flights to Riviera Maya?
Vasayo has partnered with World Travel to ensure that each attendee has a flight to the event in Mexico. Starting after registration on Tuesday, October 25th, World Travel will start booking airfare to Mexico. World Travel will send a detailed itinerary to the email provided at registration.

*Please note that airfare booked outside of World Travel will not be reimbursed.

How can I contact World Travel to update my flight?
If you require a change to your itinerary including upgrading seats or fare, schedule changes, or updating passenger information, please call World Travel to make changes to your itinerary.

Office Hours: 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM CST Mon-Fri
Group Travel Support: 844-309-5709
After Hours Emergency Hotline: 877-431-0911 CODE SH3W0

Please note that all changes to a flight itinerary are subject to a $10.00 convenience fee for each ticket that is updated in addition to any changes in cost of fare.

What class are the flights? Can I upgrade?
All Epic Reward invitees will travel in economy class. Qualifiers may upgrade their flight at their own expense by calling World Travel to make changes to your itinerary.

What if I want to come in a day or two early or stay a day or two later?
Please reach out to

*Register early for the best flight options!


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